A webpage which allows users to request a playlist based on a chosen mood. Algorithm works using machine learning which takes all of the songs from the user's top 25 artist. Then, based on a number of metrics provided for each song by the Spotify API and data that we have collected, filters out songs until only ones that fit the criteria for the user chosen mood remain. The project repository will soon be linked in the project name above.
Given an input file of any text type, generates a tag cloud with a user requested amount of words, and sizes them based on the amount of times each word appears in the input file. Version 1 uses OSU CSE component libraries, Version SJC uses standard java component libraries. The project repository is linked in the project name above.
Natural number calculator with no integer limit. Uses the OSU CSE API to create GUIs that make a working calculator with no integer limit. This project is coded using mainly java. The project repository is linked in the project name above.